Monday, 24 March 2014

Three... Two... One... Launch!

"You're going to have a BIG launch - Jayamahal palace as the backdrop, full stage covered with sponsor logos, a mike, two high resolution screens to project your presentation, hundreds sitting in front of you, listening to what you have to say, including successful entrepreneurs, restaurateurs and chefs, a live flea market, and a hot happening live concert after"... if somebody told me this a month ago, I'd probably have written them out of my life, for ridiculing my earnest attempt at starting a business.

Jaymahal palace - what location

And yet, here I am - after four days of celebrating at the Construkt Festival, and everything I wrote above actually came true!!

Construkt Festival is the second edition of the "Start Up Festival" in Bangalore, renamed and rebranded, but with the same intent of being amazing. By bringing together people from every background, different age groups, different skills and interests, the festival celebrates the building of creative communities. Its about fun and easy interaction, open discussions and a lively atmosphere.

Its official!

I've had a fabulous time personally - met great people, heard some very encouraging reactions from people when I told them what Slyly Simple was all about, made the first public presentation for my brand, came out of the shadows and introduced myself and my mascot to the crowd, partied with people I have only just met, heard some inspirational brand stories and started to have the real belief that I am about to make a great story of my own!

A special appearance

All it took for me to be a part of this, was a spur-of-the-moment decision to fill in a little form and apply for the Construkt launchpad. And just as I started wondering whether to wait for a response any longer - it came... The biggest take away is to never pass on a possibility, you never know how big it could have been!

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